ISSC 2025 Conference
Technical Tracks
ISSC focuses on all aspects of signals and systems and encompasses algorithm, circuit and system modelling, design, and implementation. For 2025 we have developed a special conference theme of “Signalling Our Strength” and we would love to see the best of Irish research showcased along with international submissions. We welcome theory and applications orientated papers in areas which include, but are not restricted to, the following exemplar thematic areas:
Signal Processing
Speech, audio, image, video and multimedia signal processing
Bio-inspired systems
Biomedical signal processing and systems
Medical diagnostics
Signal-based QoE and UX assessment
Analog, mixed-signal and RF signal processing
Embedded DSP
Control Systems
Linear and non-linear systems modelling and control
Robust and adaptive control
Distributed and networked control
Systems identification
Control applications
Cyberphysical Systems
Networks and Networked Systems
Data management and processing for Cyberphysical Systems
Smart living technologies
ASICs and FPGAs for signal processing and systems on chip
Applications in control, power electronics and communications
Energy-efficient application and system implementations
Digital Manufacturing
Robotics and autonomous systems
Communications and Future Networking
Next-generation wireless and optical communications
Signal processing for communications
Network architectures and optimisation
Distributed media and services
Cognitive and sensor networks
Internet of Things
Green communication and networking
Blockchain in communication networks
Software-Defined Networks
Quantum networks
Cryptography and information hiding
Privacy and privacy-preserving algorithms
Trust and trustworthy systems
Network, application and system security
Security of industrial control systems and cyber-physical systems
AI for cybersecurity and cybersecurity for AI
Digital and information forensics
intelligent systems, Machine Learning and AI
Machine learning for systems and signal processing
Deep Learning
Machine Learning at the network edge
Affective computing
Ethics in AI and machine learning
Interpretability and analysis of machine learning models
Deep learning and Pre-trained models for Natural Language Processing and Computer vision
Green AI
Modelling and Computation
Signals and Systems for Sustainability
Signals and Systems for Sustainable Applications (green and circular economy, pollution, water, waste, food)
Architectures, theories and algorithms for energy-efficient signal processing
Mitigating and minimising Digital Waste
Efficient and sustainable AI
Signals and Systems for Education
Electronics and IoT for Education
Computing for Education